Kunal Meher and Saurabh Patil, "Smart Ambulance Using Fog Computing", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 4, pp.509-512, April-2019.
Kunal Meher and Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, "Hybrid Solution (ECDHE + NewHope) for PQ Transition", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-9, Issue-2, pp. 3893-3894, Dec-2019.
Kunal Meher, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, "The State-of-the-art Cryptographic Algorithms", Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, VOLUME 22, ISSUE 10, pp. 142-145, Oct - 2020.
Dr. Vaishali Gaikwad (Mohite), Dr. Kunal Meher, Ryan Dass, Athisaya Sarah Jonista, Jeston D’Souza, Raymun Victor, "Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning and Blockchain", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol. 11, Issue: 6s, pp. 584-590, 05 June 2023.
Kunal Meher and Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, "NTRUEncrypt – A Quantum Proof Replacement to RSA Cryptosystem", International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, issue 5, pp. 7676-7679, Oct - 2020.
Dr Kunal Meher, Gandharv More, Aanshi Singh, Danyl Fernandes, Mathew Philip, "Peer-to-Peer Conferencing using Blockchain, WebRTC and SIP", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol. 11, no. 8s, 651-656, 07th July, 2023.
Kunal Meher, Vaishali Shelar, Ashish Sankhe, Vandana Chougule, Ralston Rozario, "Location Based Alarm Application", JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume VI, Issue IV, 1558-1563, April-2019.
Kunal Meher, Anket Lale, Aoshin Babu, Sujata Jawale, "WEB BASED ENTERPRISE ESSENTIAL SYSTEM", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCE, Volume 6, Issue 4, 248-253, April 2019.
Kunal Meher and Divya MidhunChakkaravarthy, "New Approach to combine Secret keys for Post-Quantum (PQ) Transition", Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 12, no 3, pp 629-633, June-2021.
Shilpa Verma and Kunal Meher, "Interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 Clients and Servers", International Conference on Network Communication and Computer, , pp. 486-489, 2011.
Shilpa Verma and Kunal Meher, "IPv4 to IPv6 Transition", International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, , pp. 1367-1367, 2011.
Shilpa Verma and Kunal Meher, "VLAN and VLAN Stacking", International Conference on Technology Systems and Management, , , 2011.
Kunal Meher and Divya MidhunChakkaravarthy, "Best-Fit Dual Signature for PQ Transition", International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering, , pp. 1-3, 15th Jan, 2021.
Kunal Meher and Divya MidhunChakkaravarthy, "Approaches to deal with bigger signatures for post-quantum transition", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, , , 07th Jul, 2021.
Seminar on "Network Simulator (NS2)" for SE I.T. class in Thakur College of Engineering, Kandivali on 24/02/2020
Webinar on "Present and Future Microprocessors" for SE IT class in Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim on 12/04/2021.
Webinar on "Buffer Overflow Attack and iptables" for TE Comp class in St. John COE, Palghar on 15/05/2021
UG Level
Blockchain, Microprocessor, Advanced System Security & Digital Forensic, Cryptography & System Security, Open Source Technology Lab (Python), Computer organization & Architecture, Object Oriented Programming Methodology (java), Cloud Computing Lab, Internet Programming
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Attended
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Conducted
Networking, Cryptography, Security, Cloud Computing, Blockchain